Kingdom Duties

Through Align with Jerusalem, we coach, teach, and write material in a prophetic way about the Biblical Months, the Biblical Feasts, Mount Zion, and the Biblical importance of Israel.


Create Prophetic


Biblical Months

Mount Zion

Biblical Feasts

Biblical importance of ISRAEL & Yerushalayim

Align with the Heart of the Father

From the ends of the earth back to Zion

The Call

Jerusalem is the place from which the Gospel went forth, and where it is coming back to. The ends of the earth have been reached, and now like never before we as the Body of Messiah are Aligning with Jerusalem, the place that Adonai has chosen as His holy habitation (Psalm 132:13) so that our hearts will most importantly be aligned with the Father’s heart. Mount Zion is the apple of Adonai’s eye, and Elohim tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem explicitly (Psalm 122:6), saying if we do so we will be blessed. Why is that? Join us to find out. Have you ever wondered if the Biblical Feasts that were also celebrated by Yeshua are still relevant today for us as Believers? Have you ever wondered why God’s children no longer run according to the Biblical calendar, but instead the worldly one? As we align our hearts with the Father’s heart, let us come together as the global Body of Messiah to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the salvation of Israel, and the redemption of the Promised Land. This is the time when the books that have been sealed are being opened for the end times remnant to be equipped and sent forth from the nations, to the nations, and finally back to Jerusalem.

Join “Align With Jerusalem”

As we declare the Good News from the ends of the earth back to Jerusalem. If you want to receive free teachings and E-Materials with rich prophetic insights into the hidden treasures of Scripture, the Biblical months, Biblical feasts, and the times and seasons, join us at “Align with Jerusalem”.

Also, stay tuned for our upcoming book detailing why as believers in Yeshua it is so important to align with Mount Zion.

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