Will you answer the call to join your brothers and sisters around the world who are raising up with the boldness of the Lion of Judah and operating in the 9 gifts and 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit for the glory of the Most High? Now is the time that Yeshua is no longer calling the people into the church, but instead the bride to the people. Billions of people, neighbors, friends and family of yours still have never known or felt the perfect, life changing, love of Almighty God. All it takes is two or three gathered together in His Name and He is there! That means two or three is more powerful than any army. This is not just a call to the youth or the elder generations, or only to certain races and cultures, this is a kingdom call to every tribe and tongue with the eyes of the Father upon us, and He is looking for worshipers who would worship Him in Spirit and truth. He is looking for you.
The Gospel has reached the ends of the earth and now it is on a course back from whence it came, Jerusalem. There is an army rising up in the nations that while the world hurls fear, confusion and panic into people’s minds, this army is made up of citizens of heaven, whose shalom is not shaken and whose joy is not taken because it doesn’t come from this world, it comes from Adonai.
We run according to the times of heaven and the blueprint of the Father, seeing from the heavenly places and doing as Yeshua did, what the Father does. It is the harvest we are so privileged to reap and the Father’s will that we strive to complete paving the way for the return of Yeshua to rule and reign from Jerusalem. That’s you and me, and praise Adonai it is not a burden to keep, but an honor to complete. Adonai bless you and keep you kingdom family!
Practical Ways To Be an Active Member in The Global Army:
1. A Safe place
Create a safe place where no one feels judged, or looked down upon in any way. Every person is equally loved by God. It is OK to make mistakes, we are all learning, and all of us are being conformed to the likeness of Yeshua.
2. Gather together
Gather together in your house, your apartment, your room, in a public place like a park, the public square, etc. Two or three together is all it takes.
3. Pray together
If you don’t know how to pray, ask the Holy Spirit and consult Scripture. Ask a trusted believer.
4. Worship together
Worship together in Spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). This doesn’t mean you have to have a band or guitar, just turn on some worship music, create new melodies and songs as the Holy Spirit leads, and sing Scripture! Remember, you are there to worship Adonai, not to care about what someone will think about how you worship. Remember how David worshipped?
5. Be Activated
Be activated in the 9 fruits and 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit.
6. House of Worship
Transform your house into a house of worship and do prayer and worship watches every day bringing the atmosphere of heaven to your house, neighborhood, or apartment complex. Be the restoration of the Tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11).
7. Share the Gospel
Share the Gospel with your friends and family.
8. Hit the Streets
Go into the streets and ask people if you can pray for them. Every person needs prayer, and every person needs salvation. Don’t be pushy, just operate in the love of Adonai.
9. Study the Word of God
Read and Study the Word of God both alone and together. Ask the Holy Spirit as many questions as you can, He has all of the answers.
10. Shine the Light of Yeshua
Gather like-minded believers to go on prayer walks, praying for your neighborhoods, for each city block, from the lowest income to the highest income areas, to the capitol buildings and courthouses, praying and declaring Scripture and worshipping as the Holy Spirit leads and watch how the area completely changes and the atmosphere opens as you shine the Light of Yeshua.
Prepare the way
These are just a few things we can do together to pave the way for the return of the King of glory and to bring in the global harvest that is ripe. All it takes is two or three, but the more the merrier of course!
Adonai bless you and keep you kingdom family!