Pray for Ashkelon.
As we continue to pray for the salvation of Israel one city at a time, our focus this week will be on the ancient city of Ashkelon. Located 50 kilometres (31 miles) south of Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean coast, it was once the oldest and largest seaport in the Promised Land.
It was one of the 5 chief cities of the Philistines, and is today Israel’s 6th largest city. The root of the word Ashkelon means “to weigh” most likely related to it being a major hub for mercantile activities. When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Ashkelon was part of the inheritance of the tribe of Judah (Zephaniah 2:7). Today, due to its location just north of the Gaza strip, Ashkelon is one of the most heavily targeted cities by Hamas rocket attacks. During the latest attacks this year, 2 people were killed and hundreds injured.
The majority of people living in Ashkelon are Misrahi Jews, or Jews who were expelled from Muslim lands after Israel’s independence and recognition as a country, somewhat ironic seeing as now in their new homeland they are under constant threat of attack. Despite its security situation Ashkelon is thriving, and as we pray for Ashkelon this week it is for the salvation of every person there and for the attacks of the fallen kingdom of darkness to be reversed to become a blessing upon the people. From being kicked out of Muslim nations and now a key target of Hamas, the people of Ashkelon by the world’s standards have every right to have a tinge of hatred and hostility towards their Muslim neighbours, but Adonai’s plan is that they will be used to bring salvation to their enemies, to bless those who curse them, and pray for those who hate them.
We pray that the perfect love of the Father overwhelms the city of Ashkelon to be a blessing to all of Israel and to spread the good news of the Gospel of Peace to every corner of the nation. Adonai bless you and keep you!